

The Message of the “OKINAWA DIALOGUE PROJECT”________________________________________
“OKINAWA DIALOGUE PROJECT to Prevent a Taiwan Contingency”
What we learned
1. Through this project we realized and confirmed the importance of the “dialogue.” Direct communication through “dialogue” with the people from Mainland China(China) and Taiwan became our hope for peace. It has started dialogues between conservatives and reformists, elderly and youth. We want to continue to share the importance of dialogue in every generation and aspect. Not only do we ask the national leaders to improve the relationship between countries by full use of dialogue, but we as citizens also spread and deepen the exchange and dialogue between the countries beyond the borders.
2. Nansei Islands including Okinawa and Taiwan are places where many people from the children to the elders enjoy their daily lives with their rich history and culture. We should not regard these islands where people live from a viewpoint of military strategy. We should not make these islands US and Japan’s military attack bases. We should not make Okinawa a “sacrificial lamb” again.
3. Due to the change in the situation this year, what we call “the Taiwan Contingency” (armed conflict) is not likely to occur in the short term. No nation and no country wants a war or an armed conflict in this region. There exists a US-China conflict in the backdrop of the crisis. Both the US and China should avoid the exchange actions that heighten the tension. We call for serious and continuous dialogue and diplomacy between the US and China, as well as between Japan and China, which should be continued.
4. It is important for peace in this region that the US and Japan should keep the “One China” policy which was promised in the course of normalization of diplomatic relations with China. Particularly, Japan should reconfirm and stand by the four basic agreements between Japan and China, such as the Japan-China Joint Communique and Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
5. As for the relationship between China and Taiwan, we have no way but to leave it to these two and we expect the matter to be settled through dialogue between them.
6, East Asia, long regarded as a region of armed conflict, can be a place where we enjoy economic and cultural exchange and prosperity with a change of viewpoint. We should make efforts to change this crisis to an opportunity with this view.
7, We believe that Okinawa’s regional diplomacy works to facilitate peace in East Asia. We strongly support it and cooperate with it as citizens of Okinawa.
8, In any sense, war is not the answer. War does not solve any problems. We strongly deny war.
We add the following opinions heard in the symposium of the project.
1, There was an opinion that against China, armed preparation is needed together with works of diplomacy. It’s a view of what we call “deterrence theory.” How should we think of a deterrent? We did not conclude it but decided to keep it as a topic to discuss continuously.
2. As for the “Taiwan Contingency”, there were two different views. One was the situation defined by China’s threat of armed invasion in the unification policy, and another was the situation defined by the US’s provocative policy of trying to weaken China’s power. There was also an opinion that China’s unification with Taiwan would be through a peaceful process and the “Taiwan Contingency” is an idea of US elites, an idea centering on military power. We concluded that regardless of which is right, it is important to avoid a war, the use of arms, by suppressing acts of inciting threats.

3. There was an idea to set up a regional security system such as ASEAN or “Six-party talks.” However, China rejects the internationalization of the problem between China and Taiwan. Therefore, we decided to leave it to these two and place our hope in their dialogue.
4 To the “Okinawa dialogue project,” from outside, through media and in SNS, some made an assumption and labeled us Pro-Chinese. We regard such acts as having no relation to the objective of the project aiming to avoid a “Taiwan Contingency.” To realize our aim, we think it important to have a dialogue with every person regardless of his/her nationality and ideology.



2024 年 1 月 21 日

三,從這一年的變化來看,短期?不太可能出現所謂的“台灣有事”(圍繞台灣的武裝衝突)。 該地區所有國家和人民都不希望發生武裝衝突或戰爭。出現危機的一大背景顯然就是美國和中國之間的關係緊張,雙方都應避免採取可能加劇緊張局勢的行動。我們呼?美國和中國、日本和中國之間繼續進行認真的對話和外交。
四,美日兩國恪守在與中国政府邦交正常化進程中承諾的 “一個中國”政策,這對於本地區和平至關重要。尤其是日本應該重申併遵守《日中聯合聲明》、《日中和平友好條約》等堪稱日中關係基礎的四個文件。




2024 年 1 月 21 日

一,通?“??”的?施,我???了“??”的重要性。 与台湾和大?人士的直接??,成?促?和平的希望之光。也?保守与革新、老年人与年?一代之?的??打?了大?。
我?愿今后??分享在各?形式下与各方面??的重要性,并不断?大??的交流。 我?不??期待国家??人之?的??,?希望促?民?之?跨国界的广泛、深入的交流与??。
我???,不??用?事?略的?念来定位?些人?居住的??。 ?些??决不能被用作(日本和美国的)?事据点或攻?基地,决不能再?它?成?(二??那?的)“?牲品”。
三,从?一年的?化来看,短期内不太可能出?所?的“台湾有事”(??台湾的武装冲突)。 ?地区所有国家和人民都不希望?生武装冲突或?争。出?危机的一大背景?然就是美国和中国之?的?系??,双方都?避免采取可能加???局?的行?。我?呼吁美国和中国、日本和中国之????行?真的??和外交。
四,美日?国恪守在与中国邦交正常化?程中承?的 “一个中国”政策,??于本地区和平至?重要。尤其是日本??重申并遵守《日中?合声明》、《日中和平友好条?》等堪称日中?系基?的四个文件。
八,?争在任何意?上都不??成???。?争解决不了任何??。 我?拒??争。

2,?于所?“台湾有事”,究竟是“基于中国?一政策的武装入侵”?是“基于美国削弱中国政策的挑?”,?此有争?。也有?点??,大?的?一台湾政策的基?是和平?一,“台湾有事” ?是来自于美国精英和?方的?力主?的思考方式。我???,与其?是?的??,更????到,抑制相互施?,避免使用武力,避免?争才是最重要的。